Okay so I kinda enjoyed being able to rant in my last blog without having to research the fuck out of what I was saying first (I put off writing blogs that take research, I have so many drafts that really need finishing) and so I thought I'd do another. This is my top
1. I'm bipolar/I self-harm because I'm depressed
Are you really though? I don't know why it's suddenly become the in-thing to be bipolar or anorexic or depressed or whatever but I just want to say that suffering from any of those things ISN'T FUN and you shouldn't be wearing those labels like a fashion statement. So you're 15 and you have mood swings. They might even be really extreme mood swings. I'm sure it's horrible feeling so low sometimes, but have you considered that it could just be part of being a teenager? I see so many Twitter accounts called things like 'Bipolar bitch' and the like and it really fucking frustrates me because having a mental illness shouldn't be cool. I guess it's kinda good that the stigma attached to these things is practically non-existent anymore but we shouldn't be glorifying this shit. Aside from being potentially dangerous in the case of eating disorders, it's also insulting to people who really do suffer from mental illnesses. Why are you posting pictures of your self-harm online? If you can even call it self-harm. My cat leave deeper scratches than you can but whatever. People who self-harm do not show off their scars. Period. Attention seekers show off cuts because they want to be "different" and "deep" but people with real issues do not take to social media to show off about their "issues". Grow up.
2. I have trust issues
Oh God this is one I really hate. Relationships begin and they end, and sadly, in many cases, one person in the relationship feels it is okay to lie or cheat on their partner.Yeah, it's very sad but my sympathy for you ceases to exist when you let this boy (or girl) taint your judgement of the entire male (or female) population. Not all men are cheating bastards. One guy cheated on you. Get over it. Telling all your future boyfriends that you have trust issues is basically punishing them for something they've not even done and telling them that you're not only still hung up on an ex but that you have no faith that this relationship will work.
We've all been lied to or led on or cheated on at some point. It happens. It is simply not logical to assume that everybody will do the same thing. On a whole, I'd say the world was mainly made up of good people who don't get kicks out of hurting their partners. Why don't you trust them until they give you reason not to rather than starting out every relationship with a defeatist attitude? It's boring.
3. What kind of music do you like?
Is this really going to affect your judgement of me as a person? I've told people before that I like popular music such as...I don't know, Rihanna, and had those people literally lose any respect that they had for me. I don't get it. What I listen to when I put my make up on does not say ANYTHING about me as a person. It's fucking music. I mean, asking which politicians I'm into may give you reason to change your opinion of me (I'm guessing being a fan of Hitler wouldn't win me many friends) but my music taste, really?
It's a sad situation all round really because while you may lose respect for me for not listening to the shit that you listen to, I also lose respect for you for losing respect for me. Not cool.
Oh, and by the way, to all those people (usually moshers who never wash their hair) that think anything that doesn't sound like ogres being killed isn't worthy of their time, read some of Eminem's lyrics. He's got more talent in his little finger than your narrow-minded little brain is ever going to be able to comprehend.
4. I wouldn't get a tattoo unless it had real meaning
This one really infuriates me. I have nothing against tattoos with meaning. Hell, I got a poem tattooed on me that has a fuck load of meaning, but I also have tattoos that I got for no reason other than that they look fucking cool. I could say that the tiger on my back is meaningful because I, uh, really like tigers, but that's a given really isn't it? Of course I'm going to like whatever I get permanently inked onto my body. It doesn't mean that it's particularly meaningful. A tattoo is a piece of art, and like any other work of art, it's primary purpose is to look good. Look at the other things you do to your appearance Dyeing your hair pink, getting your lip pierced, wearing some funky shoes. Nobody expects those things to reflect anything other than your personality and the fact that you want to look a certain way so why should tattoos be any different? I know they're permanent but that shouldn't make a difference. If I think something is going to make me look better, whether that be a tattoo, a pair of fake tits or some new nail polish, I'll do it. It doesn't always have to have a hidden meaning. It is what it is.
5. She's definitely wouldn't get it
I've spoken at length about this here but it definitely still deserves a place on the list purely because I've seen so many boys on Facebook talking about girls' appearances as if they themselves are God's gift and it really winds me up. The worst part is that I never even see a good looking guy talking about girls in this way. It's always either a fat virgin or a chav riddled with STI's for whom it is only a matter of time before they end up dragging chairs around on The Jeremy Kyle Show.
Calling people ugly is never a nice things to do but you need to make sure before you do it that you are flawless because if you're not, there will always be someone sitting at their computer cringing at the irony of your comment. Trust me guys, the girls you're commenting on are far better looking than you can ever hope to be and everybody knows it.
6. She's such a slut
Er, and? I hate people that do this, and it's usually girls slagging other girls off for it. If you're a girl and you've slept with over a hundred guys, I couldn't care less. Unless you've given my boyfriend an STI, what you get up to is your business. It may not be my thing to pull random people in clubs every week but if you wanna do it then go for it. You won't find me hating on you. Just use protection.
7. People who listen to RnB and watch TOWIE are stupid
I got an A* and two A's at A Level. Four A*'s and four A's at GCSE (and a B in art but we won't talk about that). I watch the news. I debate for fun. I read books about theology. I have a favourite scientist. I'm pretty sure I'm not stupid. I'm also twenty years old and excuse me if I want to go and get drunk or watch some trash TV once in a while. The thing I love the most is when people less intelligent than me assume I'm thick just because I don't go around rubbing my IQ in people's faces when the situation doesn't call for it. I could go on all day about this but I won't because I don't feel the need to prove anything to these geeks who vent their insecurities on anyone that they feel threatened by. Go masturbate over Steven Hawking.
8. I've not eaten all day
Yes you have and you know you have so just admit it.
9. I hate One Direction/Ed Sheeran/Justin Bieber
(Note: I only hate teenage boys saying this). Oh do you? What have they ever done wrong to you, apart from be more successful than you, better looking than you and reap in way more female attention than you? Jealously isn't attractive. So what if their music isn't your thing? It's no reason to start a hate campaign against the poor guys. Let's be honest, they're not really interesting enough to hate. Don't waste your time bitching and moaning about them. Just get over the fact that even if you don't think they deserve to be famous, they are, and there's really nothing you can do about it.
10. RIP (insert name of previously unknown artist here)
Yeah so the guy from Suicide Silence died and trended WORLDWIDE on Twitter. I'm not mentioning his name because most of you will have forgotten it now because you were, after all, just hopping on the bandwagon weren't you? I refuse to believe that SS were that famous before this started trending on Twitter. Guys, someone dying isn't a "trend". It's not something you should be pretending to care about in order to look cool or gain more followers. If you didn't know who he was/listen to his music before he died, then there's really no need in you pretending otherwise. And before anyone attacks me for this, no it's not a mark of respect. If he could see you he'd probably be annoyed at you pretending to mourn his death in order to "fit in" on the internet. (If anyone cares, I've listened to Suicide Silence since I was about 14. They follow me on Twitter. Be jealous).
11. Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Jane
ALL OVER FACEBOOK. I can't even begin to tell you how much this amazes me. You do realise that your not-so-subtle references to your extra-curricular activities will prevent you from ever getting a job, right? Potential employers can stalk like the best of us and if your Facebook is absolutely infested with pictures of your bong, the massive spliff you had last night and status' about how high you are all the time then you're an idiot. End of.
12. Dani "mummy2be" Leigh uploaded 4789340 photos to the album "My baby"
NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOUR BABY. I don't know how to make it any clearer. To be quite frank, your baby is ugly. I guess it's what happens when you fall pregnant aged 12 to one of the inbred ogres that you've let defile you. Seeing stuff like this makes me want to delete Facebook and just fall off planet earth. It's bad enough (I imagine) hearing people drone on and on and on about their new baby face to face (I wouldn't know, my friends don't have kids because I'm only 20), but what's even worse is seeing it on Facebook. Hey, person that I went to high school with 4 years ago, I really do not care if you are pregnant or if you have three kids by now. I don't want to see your kids. Or read status' about them. Just concentrate on looking after them and if you must use the internet then surf Gumtree, not Facebook.
13. I'm not homophobic but being gay isn't natural
Try telling that to my best friend. I'm sure she'd love not to be the butt of lesbian jokes all the time, to be able to get legally married, to adopt children without the state making it difficult (or even have her own) and do to all the other things that heterosexual people take for granted but guess what, she can't because she doesn't fancy men. Never has, never will. Being a lesbian comes naturally to her, there are no two ways about it.
I kind of understand your point that if everybody was gay then humanity would cease to exist (although it wouldn't because we are clever and have science) but you know, not everyone is gay so it doesn't matter. Some people are gay and believe it or not, it is something they don't necessarily choose to be. It's not something you can just opt into if you fancy it.