Sunday, 3 June 2012


So this is my brand new blog! My regular blog obviously has my heart and more views each day than I ever imagined I'd have but I thought it was time I made a more professional one for use on CVs when I apply for writing jobs and such, the reason being that although my personal blog has some relatively interesting material, it's often sandwiched in between things ranging from psychotic rants to pretty pictures of kittens, so it's not the best way of showcasing my 'talent', if that's the correct term for my verbal diarrhoea. 
This blog is going to basically contain the same articles as my personal blog, only none of the irrelevant things, the idea being that potential employers won't have to sift through reams and reams of things they shouldn't have to in order to find a decent article. 

So who am I? Well my name is Danielle Leigh and I'm currently a student at The University of Salford studying English Literature and Creative Writing. I enjoy all kinds of writing, from debating, to reviews, to experimental poetry, short and flash fiction and hopefully, in the future, novels. 

My interests include theology, feminism, queer theory, the human mind, mental illness, conspiracy theories, postmodernism and the answers to questions we don't know the answers to. I enjoy watching documentaries, reading, writing, debating, travelling, trying exotic foods and socialising with my friends. The rest should hopefully become clear in my future posts. I'll begin by importing anything I consider interesting from my personal blog, and then I'll write new entries and upload them to here first. 


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