Sunday, 3 June 2012


Okay so after hearing that Indisious is one of the scariest films of the decade and that it's very difficult to watch the whole thing without having nightmares, I decided that, being one who can't resist a challenge, I'd have to see it.

For the first half, I was hopeful. The general gist is that Josh and Renai move into a new home. Josh is a school teacher and Renai is a stay at home mom who looks after her (3?!) kids. Anyway, at first everything is fine but then, after exploring in the attic and falling off the third step of a ladder, Dalton (who is around 6) doesn't wake up the next morning. Doctors say that they have never seen anything like this before. He is in a coma but they don't know what caused it or if he will ever wake up. All anyone can do it wait.

And then, for a while, it gets good. The house appears haunted and Renai is subjected to hearing scary whispers on the baby moniter, seeing dark figures in the window and hearing various bangs and crashes at all hours of the night around the house. Of course, nobody knows what is haunting the house or why it is doing it, and until the film actually tries to explain itself, the ghostly acvtivities are actually pretty scary and are guaranteed to make whoever you're watching the film with jump out of their seat at 5 minute intervals.

HOWEVER. Eventually, with the help of two friendly ghostbusters and an old woman, it comes out that Dalton is actually an astro-traveller: someone whose mind leaves their body during sleep and travels to other dimensions while believing that they are merely dreaming. Dalton, it seems, has travelled too far, into "The Further", a dark realm full of eerily grinning clowns, dolls and aggressive men dressed in black. All these "spirits" can sense Dalton's empty body and they want to keep him in The Further so that they can enter his body and have a life of their own.

One spirit determined to invade Dalton's body is a ridiculous monster with a bright red face, forked tongue and a black feathered body with clawlike hands and feet. This red devil appears in dreams and visions to various people in the film and as if it couldn't get any more ridiculous, Dalton's father agrees to be put into a trance in which he himself can enter The Further to steal Dalton back. However, once in the hazy realms of this hilarious dimension, he comes face to face with an evil old woman who has been trying to possess his own body since he was a child.

Will he save Dalton and make it back to his own body before the old hag can enter it before him? Watch and see hahaha.

In conclusion, in case you haven't already guessed by my tone, this film is absolutely ridiculous, on a level with Child's Play but even more so in that Insidious takes itself seriously. Don't see it.

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